Monday, October 27

Release party Stockholm, Thursday Dec 4

Dear all,

We've just got word that the Stockholm event is gonna be
at Tantogården, Thursday, first week in December. We open the doors
at 19:30 with a full bar and lots of music.


On stage: Maze of Time


Friday, October 24

Lullaby part 2 lyrics

We've got a number of requests on the lyrics, like what's a madrigal? So, here's a few lines about this: A madrigal is "a polyphonic vocal setting, usually unaccompanied, of various kinds of verse that was extremely popular from the early 16th century to the middle of the 17th century, particularly in Italy. By the middle of the 16th century, the genre was used as fertile ground for musical experimentation."

So, after clearing that out :-), here goes for your reading pleasure:

Lullaby for heroes

Human failure, broken harmonies, words of wisdom from the giant that never sleeps. The distant callers awakening the sleep, it’s been a wild time and nothing is no longer free. I remember the words you once spoke: “Was it real love? I’m drifting on a river of hope”.

A distant journey has begun; fallen angels sing a song - a lullaby for heroes. A long-lost childhood melody, almost madrigal it seems - a lullaby for heroes.

I feel like I’m drifting away (it’s okay now, fall asleep)
Who’s calling? I’ve heard that tune before (a long-lost childhood melody)

Precious little dreamer coming in through the light, driven by emotions amused by the grace of life.
I ran out of words now, maybe I’ve got nothing to say? Does it really matter? It’s poetry anyway.

I can hear the sirens calling. Anyway, I’m not surprised…

A distant journey has begun…

text/lyrics © Robert I Edman

Wednesday, October 22

The Lullaby video is on youtube

Be sure to check it out, we're having a great time with Lullaby for heroes so far!


Tuesday, October 21

Preview with correct link

We got some stuff from Lars Rosin today, and want to share.
This is a radio edit of 'Lullaby for Heroes' that you might like.

Preview with correct link this time around...


download here (mp3)

best regards


Saturday, October 4

Lullabe video

Stefan, Anders and Mikael have all helped us with their special skills and in a not too distant future, you'll be able to see a glimse of the goingson in the Maze HQ. We gathered for a fun session, which soon will show up on Youtube - keeping our fingers crossed as usual when it comes to y'all digital stuff.

Johnny has booked a venue in Amsteradam for the press preview of Lullabys, we talked to him on the phone and he was just about as excited as we are. Closing in, as is the relase - we're still looking for a venue and any Stockholm based tips are welcome.

Saturday is rehearsal day, perhaps we'll share a clip or two from thas session as well.
